Monday, January 7, 2013

this and that

A mix of treasures, both old and new. I let the New Year in quietly (was asleep by nine p.m.) and I think everything has been the better for it. I wrote out all my resolutions and I am excited for the year to come, though I expect it may be quiet and intermittent - a required quiet time of skill building and earning before I can go off on a big adventure. Now if only I could get the hang of this "two-thousand-and-thirteen" business, and come to terms with the fact that I will be twenty this year. Twenty.


  1. those bunnies aaw they are the greatest

  2. I love that you love Sylvanian Families!!! I am 22 this February and all I want to do is go to Toys r Us and buy all of the little Sylvanian Families houses and sets... :P

    1. one can never be too old for them, that's for sure. they are just too, too, too cute!

  3. I stumbled upon your blog in one of those long, winding Internet searches, and I'm so glad that I did! You had me at that little seahorse in the sidebar! And then I fell in love with all the treasures in this post (most especially the title page from Wide Sargasso Sea) and smiled when I read about your early-to-bed New Year's Eve (me, too). Looking forward to following along!

  4. Such a beautiful blog!
    I also just stumbled across it.
    I think I'm going to have to have a good look through your posts.
    Well done :)
