Friday, December 9, 2011

Arthur Christmas

I've been so excited about seeing this, and I finally did today. It was lovely and funny and I really enjoyed it!

I especially liked the overall theme, about how everyone except Arthur seemed to have forgotten about the pure Magic & Joy of Christmas. Instead, it had turned into a controlled thing, that was to be done efficiently and successfully, and that's it. That's sometimes what I feel like Christmas has turned into. I feel like, each year, I see more and more complaints over Christmas, because people are entirely too worried over all the wrong things. It's easy to not "buy into" Christmas, if you find it all too commercial for your likings. It's simple to create your own traditions or way of celebration if you find celebrating in the usual way too stressful.
Anyway, I really enjoyed it! It was funny and entertaining and I absolutely adore Arthur!


  1. Aww I really want to see this! I quite like that theme family always gets so stressed at Christmas and the commercial aspect. I personally enjoy making my gifts when I can, as I detest the rushing around at shopping centers.

    xx carina

  2. I really want to see this! I hope it'll still be on when I get home from uni so I can watch it with family - there's nothing better than Christmas films with family. It looks lovely :) your whole blog is such a delight! xx
