Monday, March 12, 2012


Bought from End of March

My room is so tiny that this is really the only bit of available floorspace for photographs. It's not exactly picturesque but oh well. I've wanted them for a long time, but I think I inherited the "don't like spending money" gene from my father's side of the family. If something isn't strictly practical, it takes me a lot of time and thought before I buy it. Usually this means I miss out on buying it because it gets sold out before I decide, ha ha.

On the topic of spending money, I've been buying a fair amount of clothes for my winter wardrobe. After having nothing to wear all Summer (I hated all the summer clothes in the stores, very frustrating!) I wasn't going to go through Winter without anything to wear. I watched The Edge of Love the other night and fell deeply in love with the clothes Vera wore in Wales. (Below on the left)

I think lately I'm just very much inspired by a "country" look. Which is so silly because before I moved here to the city, of course I lived in the country and wanted to dress like I was from the city (I was very Blair Waldorf-inspired a couple of years ago). Now I'm in the noisy old city and I am buying plaid skirts and cable-knit sweaters! I don't understand myself at all. Though, to be fair, I did start edging into a less city-inspired wardrobe last year, before I came here. So maybe it's more of a natural progression than I think.

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