Saturday, November 19, 2011


My Kate McGill album arrived in the post yesterday! She began her musical "career" by uploading her singing covers on youtube. That's how I found her! So then she recorded this album after winning a competition & getting sponsorship money. She set up a pledge account & I pledged my money for a signed copy & here it is! Of course, with the pledge you got a digital download the day the album was released, so I've listened to it numerous times already. However, the CD and booklet that comes with it are so lovely, that I'm truly glad I put up the extra money for a copy! The book includes photos and a biography with an interview with Kate, and Kate has provided explanations about what each of the songs are about. The pages are the prettiest colours too! (Sorry the photos aren't that great, I am the world's laziest photo-taker and the lighting was really bad...)

It's hard to choose a favourite track, but I think it would have to be 'Cursed'. I've listened to it the most! I also loved Replaced (of which there is a music video for here!) & The Key speaks every single thing I think about society & education etc.

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