Monday, December 3, 2012

oh summer

I have a terrible habit of romanticising the idea of Summer to the point that it is unrecognisable as being an actual Summer that I have to experience here in Australia. Tomorrow it is going to be thirty-nine degrees c and it's put me in an exceptionally bad mood, because that is absolutely too hot. However, instead of moping I decided to try and get myself in the Summer spirit... which only ended in a worse mood when I was reminded how much my ideal Summer looks like something out of 1920s-30s Britain. But really! Sailing regattas and tennis and homemade lemonade and picnics and garden parties and strawberries and boating and trips to the seaside. Though I suppose these things are all still real today, however it may be slightly more attainable if I actually got on with moving to England (possibly becoming a reality within the next year??!!) and also became exceptionally rich/magically transformed into Kate Middleton somehow...


  1. Oh gosh! I know what you mean about this Australian heat. Although, here in Queensland, the weather has been fluctuating from blistering hot to freezing and rainy. What on earth?!I think I can relate to the dreams of the perfect Summer. My ideal is out of an Enid Blyton novel... picnics, homemade strawberry jam and boater hats.... I'm so excited for Christmas though! What are you doing this year? I'm hoping that when we go to the carols on Christmas eve it's freezing so I feel a little closer to an American Christmas in winter, hehe. I've always wanted to celebrate Christmas in the winter. It feels more... I don't know how to explain it.
    I'm sorry I waffled so much in this comment!
    xoxo Maria

    1. A tad late on the reply, I let my emails build up and missed notifications, oopsie! But yes oh yes that sounds like exactly the sort of summer I'd love. The kind where you can actually have a picnic in the sun (or shade, for that matter!) without the drinks going hot and sweating half to death. My absolute dream to is experience Christmas in the cold! Every year I feel so sad when all my Northern Hemisphere chums get to be wrapped up in silly sweaters and cosy socks. I do try to make the best of it but I always feel so mixed up down in the Southern Hemisphere!

  2. Lovely blog!

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